Aidan Baker
Passing Through is a collection of synesthetic poems – poems deliberate- ly playing with that famous maxim variously attributed to Frank Zappa, Elvis Costello, or George Carlin (among others): Writing about music is like dancing about architecture. These are poems, writings, about other media – poems about paintings, songs, and films. Poems which attempt to share my personal response to the artwork as well as speculations into the artists’ motivations and inspirations, as gleaned through biographical and critical material. A detailed list of sources and attribu- tions on each poem (and accompanying epigraphs) can be found at the end of the book. Most (but not all) italicized passages are direct or paraphrased quotations from the artists.
These poems were written over a long period of time – some of them date back to the late 1990s, some were written just this year. While I have edited and re-written the older poems to give the collection a sense of cohesion, I have attempted to retain the character and emotional resonance of the poems from their original writing. The poems are not presented in chronological order.

Published in April, 2014 by
Text © Aidan Baker & Wounded Wolf Press

Cover Illustration & Design by Uğur Altun
Interior Monoprints by Uğur Altun
Back cover text by Alice Cannava
Printed in Ankara, Turkey by Pelin Ofset
Interior Monoprints by Uğur Altun
Back cover text by Alice Cannava
Printed in Ankara, Turkey by Pelin Ofset
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